
Monday, April 18, 2011

Jessie Yu is adorable.

Jessie Yu

Jessie Yu


If you don't know Jessie Yu, I would venture to say that you probably should. She has an infectious sense of excitement that is hard to escape, and makes it incredibly difficult to be bored around her. And I feel that this attitude extends into the way the dresses. I often see her in such vibrant clothing (a perfect counterpoint to the dreariness outside my window as I write this) that reminds me a bit of summer and warmer times to come.

As we spoke about her style, it was interesting to hear Jessie make connections between the way she dresses and her awareness of the world at large. Her decision to wear more vintage clothing comes from a desire to leave less of an impact through consumerism, but also has the added benefit of allowing her to end up with some interestingly unique pieces. As Jessie learns more about the world around her and develops a stronger sense of the repercussions of buying large quantities of clothing, she has lowered the amount of clothes that she buys. In the process, I believe that this has helped her to refine her style by looking at her clothing choices through a critical lens, putting more intent behind what she wears.

It's a curious phenomenon that I'm curious to see develop over time.

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