Early on in our conversation, Erica tells me that she just likes to "go with the flow." We've all heard that phrase time and time again, but it isn't until I spend time with someone like Erica that the saying really hits home. She's all smiles and laughter as I snap away with my camera, and I can easily say that she is one of the most photogenic people I have worked with. Her movements are so filled with life that it's hard not to capture something interesting with the click of the shutter.
It's this sense of vivacity that I find absolutely thrilling, and what I think shows through in her clothing. A top from her grandma's closet, Vans slip-ons that are stained from sculpting materials, and mismatched socks that work oddly well with the black and white of her shoes. Her style isn't necessarily what you may find in some editorial shoot, but it offers a peek into her personality that some incredibly well-constructed blazer ever could.
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